Particularly because CWU was definitely one of my favorite stops on our eastern Washington and Idaho college driving tour.
We went in the spring and one of the first things that stuck out to me was the Outdoor Pursuits and Rentals space which offers rental equipment, guided excursions, and special event programs to students and faculty. Complete with an awesome climbing wall, on the day we were there I saw students renting kayaks and white water rafting equipment in anticipation of a weekend outing. It was really cool and I can see how it would appeal to so many of my Pacific NW students who love and connect with green spaces and spend time outside.
I was also struck by some really amazing programs at CWU like a top notch Dance, Film Studies, and Construction Engineering/Management
Central Washington also has a super cool Observatory complete with an ACE 0.6-meter telescope installed on the roof of the science building, and the CWU Lydig Planetarium which hosts monthly star parties and other astronomy events.
Other unique majors at Central Washington include:
Craft Brewing, Wine Studies, and Global Wine Trade
Apparel Merchandising concentrating on the business of fashion
Theater Design and Production, Sound Design, and Costume Design and Technology
Physics and Engineering dual degree that “enables students to receive a Baccalaureate degree in physics from CWU and a Bachelor of Science from an appropriate engineering institution in a respective engineering discipline.”
Professional Pilot Aviation which offers both commercial and private pilot license options.
CWU also has strong Paramedic and Fire Science program options.
Central Washington is also a Western Undergrad Exchange (WUE) school, which, for the 2020-2021 school year offers an automatic tuition reduction for qualifying students of around 11K/year bringing the annual tuition cost closer to that of in state tuition. So for students who want an adventure and to get a bit farther from home, but who are also money conscious, CWU may be a great option!
Either way, I definitely encourage you learn from my mistake that a lesser known school equals a lesser school. That is SO not the case and in fact, this little hidden gem just might be made for you!